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Our Company: Party and Play Funhouse Limited is a Children’s Indoor and Outdoor Family Entertainment Centre. It is housed in an 1100 m2 commercial warehouse unit, with an outdoor adventure play and seating area 600 m2. The company was established in 2007 and has 15 members of staff. It operates within the leisure and hospitality sector. Our clients are from the private and public sector.
Our Environmental Impact: At Party and Play Funhouse Limited, we acknowledge that we have an impact on the environment. Our significant impacts are associated with energy use, water use, food production, transportation, and waste generation.
Key Commitment: We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and seek to ensure that our actions enable the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution. We will ensure that we meet all legal and contractual requirements as a minimum and look to better our actions through continual research into best practices from our sector and our peers. We will continue to invest in the use of renewable energy sources.
Actionable Commitment: To ensure this end we will: Calculate our carbon footprint and put in place actions to: Invest in renewable energy. Reduce the use of electricity for non-essential equipment. Reduce our use of gas. Purchase green energy from our supplier. Increase recycling facilities and ensure waste is correctly separated, stored and disposed of correctly. Procure products that have verifiable environmental credentials. Educate our clients with information on ways we can all work together to help reduce our environmental impact – document “Our Journey to Net Zero”. Replace company vehicles with electric. Eliminate the use of single-use plastics by October 2023 Continuously strive to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Replace boiler, Improve EPC B Rating (January 2023) to an A rating.
Responsibility: This environmental policy will be reviewed annually, or if there are significant changes to the business, by the Managing Director.
Communication: This Policy is available on our website, and by request, to staff, customers and interested stakeholders. Staff are also made aware of this policy during their induction training and as part of their Staff Handbook and Staff briefs, through which they are made aware of their obligation to help the business meet its environmental commitments.
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Copyright © 2024 Party and Play Funhouse Limited, all rights reserved. Company Reg No: 5725846. VAT No: 920 1223 83